Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Elements of an Information Security Program

What should be there in an Information Security Program? The table below provides the primary elements of an Information Security Program and their components.

The list of elements below is as been published in the NIST Publication 800-14. It provides an overview of the components of each element. This table can serve as a quick guide in reviewing an information security program.

Primary Element
Program policy, issue-specific policy, system-specific policy
Program Management
Central security program, system-level program
Risk Management
Risk assessment, risk mitigation, uncertainty elements
Life-cycle planning
Security plan, initiation phase, development/acquisition phase, implementation phase, operation/maintenance phase
Personnel/User Issues
Staffing, user administration
Preparing for Contingencies and Disasters
Business plan, identify resources, develop scenarios, develop strategies, test and revise plan
Computer Security Incident Planning
Incident detection, reaction, recovery and follow-up
Awareness and Training
SETA plans, awareness projects, and policy and procedure training
Security Considerations in Computer Support and Operations
Help desk integration, defending against social engineering, and improving system administration
Physical and Environmental Security
Guards, gates, locks and keys, and alarms
Identification and Authentication
Identification, authentication, passwords, advanced authentication
Logical Access Control
Access criteria, access control mechanisms
Audit Trails
System logs, log review processes, and log consolidation and management
TKI, VPN, key management, and key recovery

Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology. Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems. NIST Publication 800-14.

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