Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Main Categories of Threats

Main Categories of Threats

Source: http://www.information-management.com/specialreports/20041026/1012642-1.html
Acts of human error or failure
- accidents, employee mistakes

Compromises to intellectual property
- piracy, copyright infringement

Deliberate acts of espionage or trespass
- unauthorized access and/data collection

Deliberate acts of information extortion
- blackmail of information disclosure

Deliberate acts of sabotage or vandalism
- destruction of systems or information

Deliberate acts of theft
- illegal confiscation of equipment or information

Deliberate software attacks
- viruses, worms, macros, denial-of-service

Deviations in quality of service from service providers
- power and WAN service issues

Forces of nature
- fire, flood, earthquake, lightning

Technical hardware failures or errors
- equipment failure

Technical software failures or errors
- bugs, code problems, unknown loopholes

Technological obsolescence
- antiquated or outdated technologies

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